
Helper primitives for PDDLStream based planning.


get_grasp_at_pose_cost(g, pr)

Estimates the cost of grasping a specific object, given the grasp properties and the pose of the robot.


Gets a finite list of navigation poses for a specific location.


Simple wrapper to get the length of a path.

get_pick_place_at_pose_cost(loc, obj, p, pr)

Estimates a dummy pick / place cost for a specific location / object combination, given the pose of the object and the robot.

get_pick_place_cost(loc, obj)

Estimates a dummy pick / place cost for a specific location / object combination, which a constant value plus the height of the location and half height of the object.

get_straight_line_distance(l1, l2)

Optimistically estimate the distance between two locations by getting the minimum straight-line distance between any two navigation poses.

sample_grasp_pose(grasp_gen, obj, p_obj, p_robot)

Samples feasible grasps for an object given its pose and the relative robot pose.

sample_motion(planner, p1, p2)

Samples a feasible motion plan from a start to a goal pose.

sample_place_pose(loc, obj[, max_tries])

Samples a feasible placement pose for an object at a specific location.

test_collision_free(o1, p1, o2, p2)

Test for collisions between two objects at specified poses.