
GraspGenerator.compute_robot_facing_rot(object_pose=Pose: [x=0.00, y=0.00, z=0.00, qw=1.000, qx=0.000, qy=-0.000, qz=0.000], robot_pose=None)

Computes the rotation matrix to convert from nominal cuboid orientation to robot-facing orientation.

The nominal orientation is such that the front face of the cuboid is -X, the sides are -Y and +Y, and the top is +Z, as shown below:

            +----+        ^
robot -->   |    |        |
            +----+        +--> X

If the robot is facing from another direction, for example the left side, then the front face in the robot reference frame is the +Y and the side faces are -X and +X. This function therefore returns the rotation matrix to perform this alignment to correspond which of the 6 cuboid faces corresponds to directions such as “front”, “right”, “top”, etc. from the perspective of the robot.


Rotation matrix transforming the nominal cuboid orientation to a robot-facing orientation

Return type:
