Basic Usage

To get started with pyrobosim, you can run the following examples.


First, install the module.

cd /path/to/pyrobosim/pyrobosim
pip3 install .

Then, run the test script.

python3 examples/

You can now interact with the GUI through the buttons and text boxes. For example, enter “bedroom desk” in the Goal query text box and then click the Navigate button. Once at the destination, click Pick.

Basic standalone demo.

With ROS 2

First, build and setup the colcon workspace (or use one of our provided Docker containers).

cd /path/to/colcon/workspace
colcon build
. install/local_setup.bash

You can run a ROS 2 enabled demo and interact with the GUI:

ros2 run pyrobosim_ros

In a separate Terminal, you can publish a plan or a single action:

ros2 run pyrobosim_ros --ros-args -p mode:=action
ros2 run pyrobosim_ros --ros-args -p mode:=plan

Or, you can run both of these nodes together using a provided launch file:

ros2 launch pyrobosim_ros mode:=plan
ros2 launch pyrobosim_ros mode:=action

The first command will start a world as a ROS 2 node, and the second one will publish a plan (or set of actions) to the node.

Basic ROS 2 demo.

Creating Worlds

Worlds can be created either with the pyrobosim API, or loaded from a YAML file using the WorldYamlLoader utility:

By default, creates a world using the API, but you can alternatively try a demo YAML file using the --world-file argument. For example:

python examples/ --world-file test_world.yaml
ros2 launch pyrobosim_ros world_file:=test_world.yaml

Refer to the YAML Schemas documentation for more information.

Exporting Worlds to Gazebo

To export worlds to Gazebo, there is a WorldGazeboExporter utility:


python3 examples/


ros2 run pyrobosim_ros

You can then follow the steps to see the generated world.

Example world exported to Gazebo.

If you add the --classic flag to this demo, you can similarly export to Gazebo Classic.

ros2 run pyrobosim_ros --classic
Example world exported to Gazebo Classic.