Multirobot Environments

pyrobosim also enables you to run multirobot environments.


To run a multirobot world, you can use the standalone option:

cd /path/to/pyrobosim/pyrobosim
python3 examples/ --multirobot

Or you can use a sample multirobot world file:

cd /path/to/pyrobosim/pyrobosim
python3 examples/ --world-file test_world_multirobot.yaml
pyrobosim multirobot demo.

With ROS 2

First, build and setup the colcon workspace (or use one of our provided Docker containers).

cd /path/to/colcon/workspace
colcon build
. install/local_setup.bash

You can run a ROS 2 enabled multirobot demo and interact with the GUI:

ros2 run pyrobosim_ros --ros-args -p world_file:=test_world_multirobot.yaml

In a separate Terminal, you can publish a multirobot plan:

ros2 run pyrobosim_ros --ros-args -p mode:=multirobot-plan

Alternatively, you can run a single launch file:

ros2 launch pyrobosim_ros

The output should look as follows:

pyrobosim multirobot demo with ROS 2 executing multiple plans.