Path Planners

This section explains how to use and optionally extend the path planners in pyrobosim.

PathPlanner Interface

pyrobosim uses an interface based approach to path planners.

from pyrobosim.navigation import PathPlanner
path_planner = PathPlanner(planner_type, **planner_config)

A specific planner can be selected through the planner interface, by providing the planner_type and a configuration given as **planner_config.

Each planner can potentially have multiple implementations. A specific implementation can be selected by providing the relevant parameters in **planner_config.

Available planner types and their available implementations can be found below :

Adding New Planners

The path planners in pyrobosim are designed to be extensible, so that you can add your own implementation for an existing planner type, or even a new planner type.

For example, to add a new planner type called NewPlanner:

from pyrobosim.navigation import PathPlannerBase

class NewPlanner(PathPlannerBase):
class NewPlannerPolygon:
  • Next, you should specify the mechanism to select the concrete implementation of your planner type in the __init__(), and implement the plan() method. Refer to pyrobosim.navigation.rrt.RRTPlanner for an example on how to do this.

from pyrobosim.navigation import PathPlannerBase

class NewPlanner(PathPlannerBase):

    def __init__():
        # do implementation selection here.

    def plan():
        # Call implementations to compute path , do any pre or post processing
self.planners = {"astar": AstarPlanner, "rrt": RRTPlanner, "prm": PRMPlanner, "new_planner": NewPlanner}
  • Use the PathPlanner interface to use your new planner.

new_path_planner  = PathPlanner("new_planner", **planner_config)


Planner implementations that need to display graphs should provide a get_graphs() method and set the graphs attribute of PathPlannerBase like in pyrobosim.navigation.rrt.RRTPlannerPolygon.get_graphs() and pyrobosim.navigation.rrt.RRTPlanner.plan().