World Schema

Worlds can be specified programmatically or loaded from YAML files as follows:

from pyrobosim.core import WorldYamlLoader
loader = WorldYamlLoader()
world = loader.from_yaml("/path/to/world.yaml")

The world schema looks as follows, where <angle brackets> are placeholders:

# General parameters
   name: <world_name>
   inflation_radius: <value>  # Collision padding radius around rooms/hallways/locations
   object_radius: <value>  # Collision padding radius around objects
   wall_height: <value>  # Vertical (Z) height of walls, can override with individual entities

# Metadata
   locations: </path/to/location_data_file.yaml>
   objects: </path/to/object_data_file.yaml>

# Robots: Each robot contains basic properties, plus other add-ons such as path planners and grasp generators
  - name: <name>
    radius: <value>  # Robot radius
    height: <value>  # Robot height
    location: <loc_name>  # Initial location
    pose: [<x>, <y>, <z>, <yaw>]  # Initial pose, if not specified will sample
    # Dynamics limits
    max_linear_velocity: <value>
    max_angular_velocity: <value>
    max_linear_acceleration: <value>
    max_angular_acceleration: <value>
    # Specialized capabilities
    path_planner:  # Local robot path planner -- generally refers to single-query planners
      type: rrt  # Supported types -- astar, rrt, prm, world_graph
      <property>: <planner_property>
    path_executor:  # For following a path
      type: constant_velocity  # Supported types -- constant_velocity
      <property>: <path_executor_property>
    grasp_generator:  # For object grasp generation
      type: parallel_grasp  # Supported types -- parallel_grasp
      <property>: <grasp_generator_property>
  - ...
  - ...

# Rooms
  - name: <room_name>  # If not specified, will be automatic
      type: <footprint_type>
      <property>: <footprint_property>
      - [<x1>, <y1>, <z1>, <yaw1>]
      - ...
      - [<xN>, <yN>, <zN>, <yawN>]
    wall_width: <value>
    color: [<r>, <g>, <b>]
  - ...
  - ...

# Hallways (refer to Hallways API)
  - room_start: <room1>
    room_end: <room2>
    width: <value>
    conn_method: <type>
    <conn_property>: <value>
  - ...
  - ...

# Locations
  - name: <loc_name>  # If not specified, will be automatic
    category: <loc_category>  # From location YAML file
    parent: <room_name>
    pose: [<x>, <y>, <z>, <yaw>]  # If not specified, will sample
  - ...
  - ...

# Objects
  - name: <obj_name>  # If not specified, will be automatic
    category: <obj_category>  # From object YAML file
    parent: <loc_name>
    pose: [<x>, <y>, <z>, <yaw>]  # If not specified, will sample