Object Schema

Objects in a world come from a library of categories defined in a YAML file.

The generic object schema, where <angle brackets> are placeholders, is:

    type: <footprint_type>
    <property>: <footprint_property>
  color: [<r>, <g>, <b>]


A simple object with a circle footprint.

apple:                   # The category name is "apple"
    type: circle         # Circular footprint
    radius: 0.06         # 6 cm radius
  color: [1, 0, 0]       # Red

A simple object with a box footprint.

banana:                  # Category name is "banana"
    type: box            # Box footprint
    dims: [0.05, 0.2]    # 5 cm by 20 cm
    offset: [0.0, 0.1]   # 10 cm Y offset from origin
  color: [0.7, 0.7, 0]   # Yellow

An object with a generic polygon footprint.

water:                   # Category name is "water"
    type: polygon        # Generic polygon footprint
    coords:              # List of X-Y coordinates
      - [0.035, -0.075]
      - [0.035, 0.075]
      - [0.0, 0.1]
      - [-0.035, 0.075]
      - [-0.035, -0.075]
    offset: [0.02, 0.0]  # 2 cm X offset from origin
    height: 0.25         # 25 cm extruded height (Z dimension)
  color: [0.0, 0.1, 0.9] # Blue

An object with a footprint read from a mesh file. Note that the literal $DATA resolves to the pyrobosim/data folder, but you can specify an absolute path as well or create your own tokens.

coke:                    # Category name is "coke"
    type: mesh           # Geometry from mesh
    model_path: $DATA/sample_models/coke_can
    mesh_path: meshes/coke_can.dae
  color: [0.8, 0, 0]     # Red color (for viewing in pyrobosim)